I study aging, fraud susceptibility, and decision making.

>>> News: I have accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position at Tilburg University!

Hello! I'm Dr. Julia Nolte.

I am a research psychologist and university docent.

I serve as an Assistant Professor of Economic Psychology in the Department of Social Psychology at Tilburg University (Netherlands). 

The main questions my research agenda seeks to answer are: "What keeps some people - especially older adults - from making well-informed or high quality decisions? How can we help these people make better choices?"

As a lifespan researcher, I use laboratory and online studies to examine how information management, risk perception, and decision making change across adulthood. I am also interested in decision makers' susceptibility to misinformation and financial fraud. Published and ongoing work can be found here & here!

To complement my quantitative research, I employ qualitative methods as well. You can learn more here & here!

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