Peer-Reviewed Articles
I conduct online and lab-based studies to examine age differences in intentional information seeking and -avoidance, in the reliance on decision strategies and heuristics, and in the susceptibility to misinformation and fraud.
Information Seeking & Avoidance
*indicates mentee co-author
In Preparation
*Mei, L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (in preparation). The role of verbatim and gist formatting in adult age differences in intentional information avoidance.
Nolte, J., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Reyna, V. F. (in preparation). Age differences in the acquisition and utilization of gist versus verbatim information: A qualitative interview analysis.
*Deng, S. L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2023). Information avoidance in consumer choice: Do avoidance tendencies and motives vary by age? Experimental Aging Research, 49(2), 112–129. 10.1080/0361073X.2022.2051967 [Link] [Supplement] [Pre-reg Study 1] [Pre-reg Study 2]
Nolte, J., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Reyna, V. F. (2022). The influence of verbatim versus gist formatting on younger and older adults’ information acquisition and decision making. Psychology and Aging, 37(2), 197–209. [Link] [Supplement] [About]
Nolte, J., *Deng, S. L., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2021). Age differences in media consumption and avoidance with respect to COVID-19. Journals of Gerontology, Series B, 77(4), e76–e82. [Link] [Supplement] [Pre-reg] [About]
Risk Perception & Decision Making
Under Revision
Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (under revision). What factors are associated with age differences in intentional decision avoidance?
Nolte, J., & Hanoch, Y. (2024). Adult age differences in risk perception and risk taking. Current Opinion in Psychology, 55, 101746. [Link]
Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (In press). The role of regret in age-related differences in decision making: An overview. European Psychologist.
Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2023). Susceptibility to default effects does not differ by age. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(4), 1175–1187. [Link] [Supplement] [Pre-reg]
Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2021). Is reliance on the affect heuristic associated with age? Journals of Gerontology, Series B, 77(3), 482–492. [Link] [Supplement] [Pre-reg]
Cozmuta, R., Wilhelms, E. A., Cornell, D., Nolte, J., Reyna, V. F., & Fraenkel, L. (2018). The influence of explanatory images on risk perceptions and treatment preference. Arthritis Care and Research, 70(11), 1707–1711. [Link]
Fraenkel, L., Reyna, V. F., Cozmuta, R., Cornell, D., Nolte, J., & Wilhelms, E. A. (2018). Do visual aids influence patients’ risk perceptions for rare and very rare risks? Patient Education and Counseling, 101(11), 1900–1905. [Link]
Susceptibility to Fraud & Misinformation
In Preparation
Israel, A., Nolte, J., & Hanoch, Y. (in prep). Scammers are paying attention...but are you?: The effects of cognitive load and age on fraud susceptibility. [Shared first authorship between A. Israel and J. Nolte]
Nolte, J., Wood, S. A., Hengerer, D., Liu, M., & Hanoch, Y. (2024). The effects of age, resilience, and fraud victimization on mental health during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Economic Criminology, 6, 100100. [Link] [Supplement]
Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., & Hengerer, D. (2021). Susceptibility to COVID-19 scams: Does age matter? Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology of Aging. [Link] [Supplement] [About]
Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., & Reyna, V. F. (2021). Compliance with mass marketing solicitation: The role of verbatim and gist processing. Brain and Behavior, 11(11), e2391. [Link] [Supplement]
Intra- and Intergenerational Relationships
In preparation
Pillemer, K. A., Nolte, J., & Cope, M. T. (In preparation). What causes older parent - adult child estrangement?: A qualitative interview study. [author order subject to change]
Under review
Pillemer, K. A., Hancock, D., & Nolte, J. (Under review). The prevalence of estrangement from family members in the United States.
Pillemer, K. A., Nolte, J., Schultz, L., Yau, H., Henderson Jr., C. R., Cope, M. T., & Baschiera, B. (2022). The benefits of intergenerational wisdom sharing: A randomized, controlled study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 4010. [Link]
Pillemer, K. A., Silver, S., Ramirez, M., Kong, J., Eimicke, J., Boratgis, G., Meador, R., Schultz, L., Lachs, M., Nolte, J., Chen, E., & Teresi, J. (2021). Factors associated with resident-to-resident elder mistreatment in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70(4), 1208-1217. [Link]
In Preparation
Nolte, J., Lewis, J. L., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (In preparation). Adult age differences in the response to and regulation of recent versus long-term regrets.
Ren, L. H., Liu, G. Y., Nolte, J., Wu, C., Kholmatov, S., Mann, J., Wallsworth, C., Wong, L., Mortenson, B., Lim, A., Boger, J., Hung, L. (In preparation). Co-creating a Virtual Reality program for older adults with dementia in hospital.
In Press
Wong, J., Wong, K. L. Y., Ren, L., Yang, S., Hu, G., Nolte, J., & Hung, L. (In Press). A case study on an older person’s resilience during and beyond the pandemic from a life course perspective. Perspectives.
Ren, L. H., Wong, K. L. Y., Wong, J., Kleiss, S., Berndt, A., Mann, J., Hussein, A., Hu, G., Wong, L., Khong, R., Fu, J., Ahmed, N., Nolte, J., & Hung, L. (2024). Working with a robot in hospital and long-term care homes: staff experience. BMC Nursing, 23, 317.
Pillemer, K. A., Nolte, J., & Cope, M. T. (2022). Promoting climate change activism among older people. Generations. [Link]
Other Types of Publications
I contribute content to academic textbooks, newsletters, and higher education outlets.
Op-Eds & Other Articles
Nolte, J. (2021). Ageing in an information age. Ageing in Europe Newsletter, Special Issue 31, 37–40.
ult/files/2021-07/Newsletter_Ageing%20in%20Europe_31_PhD.pdf [PDF]
Pillemer, K. A., Cope, M. T., & Nolte, J. (2021). Older people and action on climate change: A powerful but under-utilized resource. Commissioned report for HelpAge International. [Published version of the report]
Nolte, J. (2020, September 29). How to practice “safe failure”. Inside Higher Education. [Link]
Nolte, J. (2020, October 27). Why comparing yourself to other graduate students is counter-productive. Nature, 587, 319–320. [Link]
Nolte, J. (2020, April 4). Unexpected lessons from conducting research with older adults. Journal of Stories in Science. [Link]
Book Chapters
2025 (expected)
Pillemer, K. A., & Nolte, J. (invited). “Nothing about us without us:” Older people and climate change action. In K. A. Pillemer & L. Ayalon (Eds.), Handbook of aging and climate change.
Nolte, J., & Turker, H. B. (2022). Involving older adults in the data analysis process. In A. Urbaniak & A. Wanka (Eds.), Doing ageing research together: Innovative perspectives on participatory approaches (pp.45–58). Routledge. [Link]
Nolte, J., & Turker, H. B. (2021). Teaching students how to effectively take notes. In K. Armstrong, L. Genova, J. W. Greenlee, & D. Samuel (Eds.), Teaching gradually: Practical pedagogy for graduate students, by graduate students (pp. 18–24). Stylus Publishing. [Link]
Yip, A. P. W., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Aging across the world: The interplay of demographic, economic, historical, and cultural factors. In A. Drolet & C. Yoon (Eds.), The aging consumer: Perspectives from psychology and marketing. Routledge. [Link]
Nolte, J., Garavito, D. M. N., & Reyna, V. F. (2019). Decision making. In R. J. Sternberg & J. Funke (Eds.), The psychology of human thought (pp. 177–198). Heidelberg University Press. [Link]
Meschkow, A. S., Nolte, J., Garavito, D. M. G., Helm, R. K., Weldon, R. B.,& Reyna, V. F. (2018). Risk taking. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development (pp. 1861–1865). SAGE Publications, Inc. [Link]
Brust-Renck, P. G., Nolte, J., & Reyna, V. F. (2017). Numeracy in health & risk messaging. In S. Parrott (Ed.), The Oxford encyclopedia of health and risk message design and processing (pp. 1–36). Oxford University Press. [Link]
Talks & Presentations
I present my research and experiences as a scholar at academic conferences, panel discussions, and in public settings.
Conference Posters & Talks
*indicates presenting author
Under Review
*Nolte, J., Israel, A., & Hanoch, Y. (under review). Scammers are paying attention... are you?: The effects of cognitive load and age on scam susceptibility.
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2024). Age differences in open-ended decision evaluations and their implications for decision avoidance. Poster presented at the 2024 annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Seattle, WA). [PDF]
*Nolte, J. & *Löckenhoff, C. E. (chairs). (2024). ‘Judgment and Decision Making’ Special Interest Group meeting. Session convened at the 2024 annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Seattle, WA).
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2024). How, when, and why do younger and older adults utilize gist information vs. verbatim details? Talk presented at the 2024 meeting of the Dutch Society for Developmental Psychology (VNOP) in Tilburg, Netherlands. [PPTX with presentation notes]
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2024). Age differences in the acquisition and utilization of gist versus verbatim information: A qualitative interview analysis. Poster presented at the 2024 Nordic Congress on Gerontology in Stockholm, Sweden. [Image]
*Lu, Y., Nolte, J., Deng, S.L., Löckenhoff, C. E. (2024). Age differences in digital privacy preferences in the context of a COVID-19 tracking application. Poster presented at the CUHK Ageing & Technology Conference (Hong Kong, China).
*Mei, L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2023). The roles of verbatim and gist formatting in adult age differences in information avoidance. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Tampa, FL, US). [PDF]
*Nolte, J. (chair) (2023). Aging and decision making: The roles of affective and social contexts. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Tampa, FL, US). [Image]
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2023. Adult age differences in avoidant decision making. Talk presented at the 2023 Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research (TIBER) Symposium (Tilburg, Netherlands). [PDF] [PDF with presentation notes]
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2023). To choose or not to choose: Can affective or cognitive mechanisms explain adult age differences in decision avoidance? Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Tampa, FL, US). [PDF] [PDF with presentation notes]
*Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., Hengerer, D., & Liu, M. (2023). The effects of age and financial fraud victimization on emotional well-being during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at the 2023 Dallas Aging and Cognition Conference (Dallas, TX, US). [Image]
*Shapiro, L., West, E., *Nicoll, K., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2023). Do health self-monitoring intentions vary by age and message framing? Poster presented at the Cornell Undergraduate Research Board (CURB) Fall 2023 Forum (Ithaca, NY, US).
*Wong, J., Wong, K. L. Y., Ren, L., Yang, S., Hu, G., Nolte, J., & Hung, L. (2023). A case study on an older person’s resilience during and beyond the pandemic from a life course perspective. Poster to be presented at the 2023 conference of the Canadian Association on Gerontology (Toronto, Canada).
*Mei, L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2022). The role of verbatim vs. Gist on age-related differences in information avoidance. Poster presented at the Cornell Undergraduate Research Board (CURB) Fall 2022 Forum (Ithaca, NY, US).
*Nolte, J. (2022). Failing successfully: How to normalize, prevent, and learn from academic failure. Poster presented at the 18th Annual Yale Bouchet Conference on Diversity and Graduate Education (virtual). [PDF]
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2022). The age of avoidance? The roles of cognitive ability, perceived difficulty, and affect in age-related differences in decision avoidance. Talk presented at the Workshop on Cognition, Decisions and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan (Lausanne, Switzerland). [PDF] [PDF with presentation notes]
*Nolte, J., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Lewis, J. L. (2022). Age differences and similarities in the response to and regulation of regrets. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (Minneapolis, MN, US). [PDF] | [PDF with presentation notes]
*Nolte, J., Cope, M. T., & Pillemer, K. A. (2022). What causes older parent – adult child estrangement?: A qualitative interview study. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Indianapolis, IN, US). Recipient of the ESPO (Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization) Poster Award. [PDF]
*Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., & Hengerer, D. (2021). Susceptibility to COVID-19 scams: Does age matter? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF]
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2021). Is susceptibility to default effects associated with age? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). Recipient of the 2021 ESPO (Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization) Poster Award. [PDF]
*Nolte, J., & Turker, H. B. (2021). Involving older adults in the data analysis process. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF] | [PDF with presentation notes]
*Deng, S. L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Information avoidance in decision making: Do the reasons vary by age? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF]
*Deng, S. L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Information avoidance in decision making: Do the reasons vary by age? Talk presented at the Cornell Undergraduate Research Symposium (CURB) Fall 2021 Forum (Ithaca, NY, US). Recipient of the Fall 2020 CURB Best Poster/Presentation award.
Nolte, J., *Deng, S. L., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Age differences in the consumption and avoidance of COVID-19 information. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF]
*Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., & Reyna, V. F. (2020). Compliance with mass marketing solicitation: The role of verbatim and gist processing. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (virtual). [PDF]
*Nolte, J., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Reyna, V. F. (2020). The influence of verbatim versus gist formatting on younger and older adults’ information acquisition. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF]
*Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Affect heuristic: The roles of task type, cognitive capacity, and biased judgments. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (virtual). [PDF]
*Nolte, J., Reyna, V. F, & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2019). Testing a single-item implicit causality task to measure perceived agency in shared decision making. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (Portland, OR, US).
*Nolte, J., Reyna, V. F, & Löckenhoff, C. E., & (2019). The role of age, information type, and decision strategy in determining decision quality. Poster presented at the Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin, Germany).
*Nolte, J., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Reyna, V. F. (2018). Feeling good or getting the gist: What motivates age differences in information seeking? Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (Boston, MA).
Reyna, V. F., *Nolte, J., & Blalock, S. J. (2018). Gist-based false memory for risk and safety information about arthritis medication. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (Montreal, Canada).
Reyna, V. F., *Nolte, J., Rong, R., Garavito, D. M. N., Brust-Renck., P. G., & Brainerd, C. J. (2018). Decision-relevant memory for health information: A conjoint-recognition model based on fuzzy-trace theory. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (New Orleans, LA, US).
Meschkow, A. S., *Nolte, J., Tsemekhin, R., & Reyna, V. F. (2017). It only takes once: reasoned and gist-based predictors of birth-control intentions. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (Vancouver, Canada).
*Nolte, J., & Reyna, V. F. (2017). Older adults seek the gist of medical information – and younger adults do too, when they have health problems. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (Pittsburgh, PA, US). Recipient of the Lee B. Lusted Student Prize: “The Margaret Holmes-Rovner Award for Decision Psychology & Shared Decision Making”.
Cozmuta, R., Wilhelms, E. A., Reyna, V. F., Nolte, J., & *Fraenkel, L. (2016). Do visual decision aids help patients correctly differentiate between a 2% vs a 0.2% risk? Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (Vancouver, Canada).
Cozmuta, R., Wilhelms, E. A., Reyna, V. F., Nolte, J., & *Fraenkel, L. (2016). The influence of risk presentation format on willingness to start a medication. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (Vancouver, Canada).
Nolte, J., *Reyna, V. F., Wilhelms, E. A., Cozmuta, R., & Fraenkel, L. (2016). Modeling the gist of risks, benefits, and values in patients’ willingness to start medications. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making (Vancouver, Canada).
Invited Talks & Panel Discussions
Title TB
Invited speaker – Stanford University Psychology Podcast (online)
A Bio-Psycho-Social Framework for Age Differences in Decision Making
Invited guest lecture – New School for Social Sciences, New York (in person OR online, TBD)
A Bio-Psycho-Social Framework for Age Differences in Decision Making
Invited guest lecture – New School for Social Sciences, New York (in person); St. Mary's University, Minnesota (online)
Age Differences in Open-Ended Decision Evaluations and Their Implications for Decision Avoidance
Invited talk – 1st Tilburg Aging Symposium in Tilburg, Netherlands [PDF with presentation notes]
Much Ado About “No Thanks”? Adult Age Differences in Avoidance Tendencies
Talk – London Judgment and Decision Making Seminar (University College London, City University London & King’s College London)
Much Ado About “No Thanks”? Adult Age Differences in Avoidance Tendencies
Invited talk - Department of Developmental Psychology, Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Does Susceptibility to Default Effects Differ by Age?
Talk – Psychology in Action, UCLA (hybrid/virtual) [PDF] | [PDF with presentation notes]
Aging in the Information Age: Lifespan Trends in Information Acquisition and Avoidance
Talk – North Carolina State University Psychology Department, Raleigh, NC [PDF] | [PDF with presentation notes]
Pathways to the Professoriate: Pursuing an Academic Career Path
Invited speaker – panel discussion, North Carolina State University Psychology Department
COMM 5660 – Science Communication (Prof. Bruce Lewenstein)
Invited speaker – panel discussion, Cornell University
2018, 2019, 2020, 2022
Human Development/ Psychology Graduate Student Grant Panel
Invited speaker – panel discussion, Cornell University
Measuring the Invisible: How Do Diverse Methods Compare?
Selected speaker – SPARK talk series, Cornell University [Video]
PSI CHI Graduate Student Panel
Invited speaker – panel discussion, Cornell University
Different, not Defective: Expanding Our View on Aging
Selected speaker – SPARK talk series, Cornell University [Video]
Fulbright Alumni Panel (German-American Fulbright Commission)
Speaker – panel discussion, Berlin, Germany