News & Announcements
>>> Summer 2024: I have accepted an Assistant Professor position at Tilburg University!
I am excited to announce that as of September 2024, I will be transfering to the Tilburg University Department of Social Psychology in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences! I have accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position with a focus on Economic Psychology.
I will be offering two courses during the 2024-2025 academic year:
Psychology and Marketing (Master's course, Block 2, Fall 2024)
Consumer Behavior (Bachelor's course, Block 4, Spring 2025)
In addition, I anticipate supervising up to eight Master's thesis students.
>>> Fall 2023: Congrats to my Cornell students Lauren, Kenneth, Lily, Eric & Kathryn!
I am excited and proud to share recent accolades of my (former) Cornell University mentees! Way to go, Healthy Aging Lab :)
Lauren Mei
A recent Cornell University graduate, Lauren is now working as a research assistant at Cornell Weill Medical School. Upon graduation, her research work in the Healthy Aging Lab has gained Lauren the 2023 Urie Bronfenbrenner Award for Outstanding Performance in Research in Human Development! In addition, Lauren recently presented a first-author poster at the 2023 annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America in Tampa, FL (Mei, Nolte & Löckenhoff) that she is now writing up for publication.
Kenneth Alcantara
Upon graduating Cornell University in May 2023, my former research assistant Kenneth not only served as a commencement speaker at the Psychology Department's graduation ceremony but was also awarded the 2023 Urie Bronfenbrenner Award for Outstanding Performance in Research in Human Development and the 2023 Henry Ricciuti Award for Outstanding Seniors. At the same time, Kenneth graduated from the Columbia Medical Prep program (pictured)!
Lily Shapiro, Eric West & Kathryn Nicoll
In November 2023, my research assistants Lily, Eric, and Kathryn presented a lab poster (Shapiro, West, Nicoll, Nolte, & Löckenhoff) at the Fall 2023 Cornell Undergraduate Research Board (CURB) forum for a poster prize competition that they have worked on together in the preceding weeks. A great example of strong team work from the Healthy Aging Lab.
>>> Spring 2023: I have accepted a faculty position at Tilburg University (NL)!
I am delighted to announce that I will be joining Tilburg University (Netherlands) in August 2023!
I will be starting as a faculty member at Tilburg's Department of Communication and Cognition (Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen), where I will continue to research individual and age differences in how people engage with information, media, and decision contexts.
I expect to be co-teaching the following courses in the 2023-2024 academic year:
Digital Food Marketing (master's course, block 1, Fall semester 2023)
Research Seminar (premaster's course, Fall semester 2023)
Statistics (premaster's course tutorial, Spring semester 2024)
Risk Communication (master's course, block 4, Spring semester 2024)
>>> Fall 2022: I am on the 2022-2023 academic job market!
I am on the 2022-2023 academic job market! I am looking for Assistant Professor/Lecturer positions in North America and Europe.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact me!
Key Dates
I am graduating my Psychology Ph.D. program at Cornell University (US) in May 2023.
I am available to start a new position in Summer/Fall 2023!
Key Achievements
Published 12 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 other types of articles (e.g., op-eds, commissioned reports), 6 book chapters, and 21 conference contributions.
Successfully obtained ~ $125,000 in research grants, awards, scholarships, or fellowships. My mentees, Stephanie Deng '21 and Lauren Mei '22, have jointly obtained ~ $12,000 in research grants and scholarships under my guidance.
Was awarded 6 conference awards (including 3 poster awards) and 2 thesis/dissertation awards. My mentees have received 2 research awards under my guidance.
Taught/contributed to 4 different undergraduate courses at Cornell University. Co-taught 6 graduate/post-doctoral pedagogy workshops and conference events at the Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, where I completed a two-year Graduate Teaching Fellowship.
>>> Spring 2022: Congratulations to my mentee, Stephanie Deng '21!
Congratulations to my mentee, Stephanie Deng, who graduated from Cornell University in 2021!
About Stephanie
A long-time member of the Healthy Aging Laboratory, Stephanie was selected as a Cornell Rawlings scholar for the 2019-2021 biennium, receiving $5,000 to conduct her own research. During this time, Stephanie completed three studies, leading to the publication of two peer-reviewed journal articles. One of them is Stephanie's first first-author paper! The lab is beyond proud of Stephanie for publishing her thesis on adult age differences in intentional information avoidance.
Awards & Funding
Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholar; project title: “Age Differences in the Avoidance of Decision-Relevant Health Information“ ($5,000, PI: S. Deng ‘21)
Alan D. Mathios Research & Service Grant ($1,495, PI: Stephanie Deng ‘21)
SRNDNA Diversity Summer Research Award ($2,000, PI: Stephanie Deng ‘21)
Selected speaker – CURBx 6th annual research forum, Cornell University
“Best Poster“ award – CURB 6th annual research forum, Cornell University
Senior Urie Bronfenbrenner Award for Achievement in Research, Cornell University
Presentations & Publications
Deng, S. L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2022). Information avoidance in consumer choice: Do avoidance tendencies and motives vary by age? Experimental Aging Research. [Link] [Supplement] [Pre-reg Study 1] [Pre-reg Study 2]
Deng, S. L., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Information avoidance in decision making: Do the reasons vary by age? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF]
Nolte, J., Deng, S. L., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2021). Age differences in media consumption and avoidance with respect to COVID-19. Journals of Gerontology, Series B, gbab123. [Link] [Supplement] [Pre-reg] [About]
Nolte, J., Deng, S. L., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Age differences in the consumption and avoidance of COVID-19 information. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (virtual). [PDF]